heritage (ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ): 1. something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions. 2. anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition. 3. the evidence of the past, such as historical sites, buildings, and the unspoilt natural environment, considered collectively as the inheritance of present-day society.
heritage (ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ): 1. something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions. 2. anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition. 3. the evidence of the past, such as historical sites, buildings, and the unspoilt natural environment, considered collectively as the inheritance of present-day society.
We have a variety of different flavors of unique infused honeys if you’re looking for different flavors to sweeten your life! From spicy sweet pepper honey, to warm and cozy cinnamon honey, or immune-boosting turmeric honey, and savory garlic honey… we have something for everyone. Our infused honeys are always made with raw local natural honey.
Garlic Infused Honey – savory and loaded with antioxidants!Cinnamon Infused Honey – helps you stay well while improving digestionLavender Infused Honey – floral, complex, and beautifulRose Infused Honey – elegant, deep. and floral Coffee Infused Honey – with dark rich French espresso roast coffee. Caffeinated!Vanilla Bean Infused Honey – warm, cozy, luxurious, and deliciousGinger Infused Honey – zingy, herbal, spicy, sweet, and loaded with antioxidantsTurmeric Infused Honey – a superfood with so many health benefits!Hungarian Pepper Infused Honey – mild!Jalapeno Infused Honey – hot!Carolina Reaper Pepper Infused Honey – very very hot!
The ingredients used to infuse the honey are allowed to sit in the honey for several weeks to infuse the flavors without cooking the honey, which would destroy beneficial enzymes.