heritage (ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ): 1. something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions. 2. anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition. 3. the evidence of the past, such as historical sites, buildings, and the unspoilt natural environment, considered collectively as the inheritance of present-day society.
heritage (ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ): 1. something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions. 2. anything that has been transmitted from the past or handed down by tradition. 3. the evidence of the past, such as historical sites, buildings, and the unspoilt natural environment, considered collectively as the inheritance of present-day society.
We strive to provide amazing old-world meats from happy heritage animals that have received the best diet and the best care that we can provide. Except for the quail, pheasant and pigeons, all of these animals are pasture-raised. This list shows what is available from the farm right now. Contact us to place an order and arrange for farm pick up. Thanks very much.
SOLD OUT! Whole young duck, frozen ($7 per pound)Whole turkeys, frozen, weigh 22-23 lbs ($5 per pound)Whole young goose, frozen ($10 per pound)Whole chicken, frozen, weigh 4 to 6 lbs each ($5 per pound)Chicken breast, frozen ($9 per pound) Dark meat chicken, legs or thighs, frozen ($6.50 per pound)Chicken broth bones: Great for homemade soup/broth! These 3 lbs packs are enough to make one 3-4 quart batch of broth. Frozen. ($12 per pack)
One small whole Jacob lamb, 19.5 lbs ($230)More whole lambs will be available in late fall of 2024. Contact us now to reserve one.
Katahdin lamb (hogget) rib chops, one pound packs, frozen ($18 per pack)Katahdin lamb (hogget) loin chops, one pound packs, frozen ($18 per pack)Katahdin lamb (hogget) shoulder blade steaks, 2.89 lbs., frozen ($42)
Mangalitsa lard, rendered (quarts are $20, pints are $12) – sold for craft use onlyMangalitsa pork bones, frozen, approx 2lbs per pack ($15 per pack)
Beef liver, frozen ($4 per pound)Beef heart, frozen ($4 per pound)Beef suet, frozen, make your own tallow ($4 per pound, or $3 per pound if you buy 10 lbs or more)Beef tallow, rendered suet (pints for $12) – sold for craft use only Beef tongue, frozen ($4 per pound)Ground beef, frozen ($8 per pound)