Jacobs Heritage Farm is becoming a popular location for photography backdrops.
We are glad that you are considering Jacobs Heritage Farm to capture life’s moments. Our natural landscape and historic buildings make for great photo opportunities. Please contact us at info@jacobsheritagefarm.com to arrange a time and date for your photography session. We request a $10 donation for each outdoor photo shoot. Any photo shoot for a website, commercial, catalog etc. must be pre-approved with a request in writing. Our goal is to maintain and improve the farm while protecting the animals, historic landmarks, and items frequently used as props… so we have developed a few rules for photographers.
Rules for taking pictures at the farm:
– Please DO NOT OPEN ANY GATES or climb fences.
– Please do not move equipment including but not limited to: saddles, benches, buckets, farm equipment, etc.
– Please do not harass or upset the animals.
– All photo shoots must be scheduled.
– We do not allow photos inside the historic farmhouse.
** Please note that Jacobs Heritage Farm is not responsible for any loss, injury, etc. that may occur during the photo shoot to people or their possessions.**